Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A Continuation of 'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey'

Just a shout out to check out...Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. A continuation of the ground breaking and thought expanding1980s television series with Carl Sagan Comos: A Personal Voyage, this next journey of the documentary series is hosted by the charismatic Neil deGrasse Tyson and includes Seth MacFarlane and Ann Druyan (Sagan's Widow) as executive producers to ensure the return of Cosmos is a respectful, passionate and Inspiring one.

The series premiered on March 9, 2014 on the Fox Network and National Geographic Channel. Looking forward to following this series and fully recommend checking it out. To get a great idea of the aim and inspiration behind the show and the cool character of its new host, Watch/Listen to the London Real interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson by following this link: London Real TV: Cosmos

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Dodging Celestial Extinction (Again)

Tonight March 5th, marks the near earth passing of an enormous asteroid known as 2014 DX110 around 21:00 (GMT). With the approximate size of 3 double Decker buses or roughly 20-40 meters in diameter, the near Earth object will travel at a super speed of 33,000mph and a distance of 217,000 miles away at its closest from Earth, that's 9/10th of the distance to the Moon according to Lindley Johnson with NASA's Planetary Science Division in Washington D.C.

(The orbital path and position of Apollo NEO asteroid 2014 DX110 just a week prior to discovery. Credit- Created using NASA/JPL’s Solar System Dynamics Small-Body Database Browser)

Astronomers, Scientists and Researchers are confident that this near earth object is no threat to the Earth, a good thing considering its size, its nothing Bruce Willis need concern over as Nasa's numbers show a very, very slim chance of impact as shown here: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/2014dx110.html

The event can be viewed with a pretty good telescope but its unlikely to be seen by simply looking skyward. It can also be viewed  live online with the Virtual Telescope or by visiting Slooh Events the webcast of the event is expected to go live at 20:30 (GMT) with commentary. Other times: (16:07 EST) or Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 8 am (AEDT) etc.

Despite this NEO (Near Earth Object) event turning out not to be the makings of a disaster movie like 'Armageddon' or 'Deep Impact', the possibility and frequency of such impacting asteroids are something of a scary reality. Recent recognised NEOs include the asteroid dubbed 2012 DA14 followed by an unpredicted explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia last year as seen in this RT VIDEO.

This meteor Injured more than 1,000 people with massive damage to buildings and infrastructure and was seen as a big event going viral, yet should such space rock impacts or NEO events been seen as a dangerous rarity?As Lindley Johnson states "In the last year, 21 small asteroids ranging in size from 1 to 30 meters have come closer to Earth than this," he said. "The close approach of 2014 DX110 is really a non-event in our eyes." Historically the Earth has been impacted from such space rocks before, as the surface of the Earth shows where it is well preserved, such as the Barringer Crater in Arizona (USA), that according to Universe Today isn't all that big for an impact crater.

So with the 'safe' passing by of 2014 DX110 tonight (GMT), tune in to watch the event live but know that such NEO events aren't uncommon and that those Sci-fi meteor disaster movies (corny as they are) may not be so far fetched as to what is possible in the future. In the mean time, keep watching the skies.

Will you be watching the NEO event of 2014 DX110? What do think a meteor disaster scenario would be like? Are Humans ready for one? Comment below and follow for more.
To check out the sources I checked out and to read more go to:

(Universe Today Article)

(International Business Times Article)

(USA Today Article)


Monday, 3 March 2014

Real Interesting Real Space Images

Sometimes Science Reality is stranger than Science Fiction. The wonder and fascination associated with sci-fi stories can stem largely from the actually awe and astonishment experienced when taking in, observing and understanding the reality we live in and often the reality is more wild,strange and beautifully colossal than we can grasp. Such is the deep beyonds of space to which we are only began to really see in the last few decades. These are a list of just 15 of the amazing actual images from the Hubble Telescope, numbered in no particular order as they all offer a feast to the eyes, mind and imagination.

1. The Hour Glass Nebula
The eye of the Universe? Somewhat reminiscent to a kind of religious icon or an occult symbol of cosmic magic it holds a striking awe and wonder about it. The image is of MyCn18, a young planetary nebula located about 8,000 light-years away, for more information and accreditation follow the link to the ESA/Hubble site.
Original Image and Site

2. The Cosmic Caterpillar
Munching away on a galactic leaf 4500 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus, well not exactly. This is a proto-star gathering gas and material to it and as far as star evolution goes could be consider a larva but what gives it its appearance is nearby super bright stars of Cygnus OB2  blasting it with ultraviolet radiation.
Original Image and Site

3. The Cartwheel Galaxy
500 million light-years away in the constellation of Sculptor, the result of a violent galactic collision with the shockwave ripples caused of a smaller galaxy passing right through it. Planetary bound meteors or other earth disaster stories seem minuscule if you imagine the entire Milky Way colliding with another galaxy.
Original Image and Site

4.The Cat's Eye Nebula
Like a glowing cell creature from the depths of the sea, or also described to be the likeness of the Eye of Sauron from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the Cat's Eye Nebula was the first planetary nebula ever to be discovered and is one of the most complex.
Original Site and Link

5. The Black Eye Galaxy
Also nicknamed the Evil Eye Galaxy, kind of creepy, but at least it's roughly 17 million light-years from Earth. Known to astronomers as M64, the outcome of a collision of two galaxies that left a merged star system with an unusual appearance as well as bizarre internal motions, this galaxy has the scars of a violent history.
Original Image and Site

6. Journey to the Centre of the Galaxy
Yellow represents the near-infrared, Red represents the infrared, Blue and violet represent the X-ray. Three views were brought together to provide a composite image of one of the most detailed views ever of our galaxy's mysterious core.
Original Image and Site

7. A Cradle of Chaos
This is the painting like beauty of Messier 8, also known as the lagoon nebula, lies in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer). This enormous cloud of glowing interstellar gas is a stellar nursery chaotically sculpt and colourfully illuminated by massive stars at its heart that also give off huge amounts of ultraviolet radiation.
 Original Image and Site

8. Expanding Cosmic Bubble
An expanding shell of glowing gas surrounding a hot, massive star within the Milky Way, this shell is being shaped by strong stellar winds of material and radiation produced by the huge bright star to left. It reminds me of shield you might see in sci-fi movies, maybe a protector from fiery solar flares.
Original Image and Site

9. The Hatching Star
Like the hatching of life from an egg, or the budding of a flower, a star eruption that dramatically demonstrates the echoing of light through space caused by an unusual stellar outburst in January 2002, other sequences are available, this is part three of four images of the event.
Original Image and Site

10. The Star Reaching 'Mystic Mountain'
Likened to a craggy Mountain of fantasy tales, the dramatic a pillar of gas and dust stands three light-years tall, which is being eaten away by nearby bright stars and those hidden within, forging its unusual shape. Lying within the Carina Nebula it is bombarded by Scorching radiation and fast charged particle winds.
Original Image and Site

11. The Womb of the Universe
Nebulas are where stars are born, this nebula is ionised by its youngest and heaviest blue stars. This star cluster Pismis 24, lies in the core of the large emission nebula NGC 6357 that extends one degree on the sky in the direction of the Scorpius constellation, about 8,000 light-years away from Earth.
Original Image and Site

12. The Pillars of Creation
Like a cosmic canyon made up of cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust that acting as incubators for new stars. This space 'landscape' seems like it could on a mysterious planets surface, the clouds and strange shapes remind me of how you can look at clouds in earth's sky and see various imagined images.
Original Image and Site

13. The Horsehead Nebula
At first glance it seems like a huge figure or creature amongst the stars like an ethereal cosmic god striding across the nebula yet this real image is fantastic enough without the need for imagination.Its lies in the Orion constellation rising gas clouds from  Horsehead Nebula, otherwise known as Barnard 33.
Original Image and Site

14. Orion's Sunset glow
In the mythical star constellation of Orion (The Hunter) lies the magnificent reflection nebula NGC 2023, nearly 1500 light-years from Earth. NGC2023’s B-type star illuminates the nebula giving it surface brightness good for astronomers to study it, ancient astronomers often looked towards Orion but never imagined this.
Original Image and Site

15. A Whirlpool to the Beyond
The face-on view of the spiral galaxy M51, dubbed the Whirlpool Galaxy. Its red starry spirals  remind me of blood filled veins supplying an organ or a crimson coloured ivy wrapping itself around a curved ornament. The Whirlpool name seems fitting as it appears like a spiralling portal into the unknown realms of beyond.

That's it, of course there are loads more I didn't get to, check out ESA/Hubble's site link below for more.

What are your favourite images? do you see something within the cosmic clouds? or do the star bursts and spiral galaxies remind you of something symbolic? Such images can inspire vivid thoughts of cosmic mysticism and magic or unleash dreams of exploring the stars, even to have looked upon them in our time is a thing of awe and wonder. Let me know what you think and comment below.